MacHack 1994
MacHack 1994.toast
MacHack™ 1987-1994
MacHack™ '91
MacHack '91 Attendees
Text File
282 lines
Darin Adler Apple Computer 20525 Mariani Ave. MS 51 T AL: DARIN Cupertino, CA 95014-6201
Rajiv Aggarwal Motionworks Ste 300, 1334 West 6th Ave AL: D2276 Vancouver, BC V6H 1A6
Mike Ajemian Claris Corp 5201 Patrick Henry Dr AL: AJEMIAN Santa Clara, CA 95052-8168
Ron Alexander Altek 5144 Lisch AL D1719 Whitmore Lake, MI 48189
Christopher Allen America On-LineConsensus Development 1684 Decoto Rd #249 AOL: AFL MacDev, AL: Consensus Union City, CA 94587-3544
Robert Amble Apple Computer, Inc 30833 Northwestern Highway, Ste 220 Taylor10 Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Dan Amstutz ComShare, Inc 3001 S. State St, P.O.Box 1588 Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Clark Anderson Apple Computer, Inc 20205 Valley Green Drive, MS 60-R AL: Anderson Cupertino, CA 95014
Fritz Anderson Consulting Programmer 817 E. 57th St. Indianapolis, IN 46220
Sonya Andreae Apple Computer, Inc 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd AL: Andreae Cupertino, CA 95014
Steven Antonakes Foresight Technology, Inc 3880 Hulen St, Ste 325 AL: Foresight.sw Fort Worth, TX 76107
Manuel Arana Computer Sciences Corp 2565 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105
John Ardussi Masters Publishing Co 806 S. Seventh St AL: D2753 Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Douglas Baron Userland Software Inc 490 California Ave AL: Doug.Baron Palo Alto, CA 94306
Peter Barrett Super MacTechnologies 485 Potrero Ave AL: BARRETT.B Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Stephen Beardslee 56 Bower Street Sbeardslepearl@tufts W. Medford, MA 02156
Bruce Beare 3262 Desertwood Lane bjb@pyramid.com San Jose, CA 95132
Ben Beecher Stellar Software 139 Payson Ave, Apt 5F beecher@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu New York, NY 10034
Jon Bell Presbyterian College Dept. of Physics and Computer Science Clinton SC 29325
Michael Bell Apple Computer, Inc 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd AL: Mike.Bell Cupertino, CA 95014
Diane Bennett Stellar Software 825 West End Ave #10A New York, NY 10025
Tim Berla 201 Pleasant Place Ann Arbor, MI 48107
Peggy Bertrand Synergistic Applications, Inc 127 Newport Dr AL: D2051 Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Juan Bettaglio Apple Computer Inc 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd, M/S 75-2C AL: Bettaglio Cupertino, CA 95014
Scott Boag DMR Group, Inc 57 River St AL: unknown Wellesley Hills, MA 02181
Steven Bobker MacUser Magazine 724 University Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025
Michael Bolen Mycrotek Inc 9229 East 37th St N AL: V0231 Wichita, KS 67226
Spec Bowers Bowers Development Corporation 97 Lowell Rd D1721 Concord, MA 01742
Scott Boyd Apple Computer Inc 10500 N DeAnza Blvd AL: Scott Cupertino, CA 95014
Sheila Brady Apple Computer, Inc 20525 Mariani Ave, MS 81EQ AL: Sheila Cupertino, CA 95014-6201
William Brandt Wayne State University 5950 Cass Ave AL: U1484, Internet: wbrandt@cms.cc.wayne.edu Detroit, MI 48202
William Brehm U of M / ITD 535 West William, #2266 WWB@ccs.itd.umich.edu Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Elizabeth Brennan Novell, Inc. 1340 Treat Boulevard, Suite 500 bette@wc.novell.com Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Donald Brown CE Software 1801 Industrial Circle Don.Brown West Des Moines, IA 50265
Leonard Buck SDU Consulting 111 Providence Rd AL: Lee.Buck Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Thomas Burleson DaVinci Systems Corp. 2120 A Ravenglass Place Raleigh, NC 27612
John Cabot Iris Associates Inc One Technology Park Westford, MA 01886
Paul Campbell Super MacTechnologies 485 Potrero Ave CAMPBELL.P Sunnyvale, CA 94086
John Cardinal Epsilon 50 Cambridge St Burlington, MA 01803
Marvin Carlberg Symantec /Peter Norton Group 100 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 900 AL: D5386 Santa Monica, CA 90401
David Castell University of Waterloo Computer Systems Group dcastell@csg.uwaterloo.ca Waterloo, ON W2L 3G1
Ramesh Chandak GTE Labs 40 Sylvan Rd rc05@gte.com Waltham, MA 02254
James Chargin Immix Box 2980 Grass Valley, CA 95945-2980
Tom Chavez Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani Ave, MS75-8X AL: tom.chavez Cupertino, CA 95014-6201
Maynard Chen Xanatech, Inc. 20 Fresh Pond Place AL: Xanatech Cambridge, MA 02138
Melody Chen Computer Sciences Corp 2565 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Robert Churchill U of M / ITD 818 Browns Street Apt. #6 RJC@UM.CC.UMICH.EDU Ann Arbor MI 48104
Timothy Churchill The Thought Shop 16879 Lime Rd, SW Prior Lake, MN 55372
Timothy Churchill The Thought Shop 16879 Lime Rd, SW Prior Lake, MN 55372
John Clark 7515 Northway Dr D3868 Hanover Park, IL 60103
Richard Clark Apple Computer, Inc 20525 Mariani Ave, MS 51-M AL: RDClark Cupertino,CA 95014-6201
Marshall Clow Hewlett Packard 16399 West Bernardo Dr internet: marshall@sdd.hp.com AL: hp.marshall San Diego, CA 92127-1899
Raines Cohen MacWeek Magazine 301 Howard BMUG San Francisco, CA 94105
Jonathan Cook Mindvision Software 1721 Benton St. AppleLink:Mindvision Lincoln, NE 68521
Kevin Cooper Mainstay 5311-B Derry Ave AL: D0397 Agoura Hills, CA 91301
Steven Cooper The Oregonian Publishing Co 1320 SW Broadway D3496 Portland, OR 97201
William Courtois EPA Laboratory 2565 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Mark Dalrymple Visix Software 11440 Commerce Park Dr markd@visix.com Reston, VA 22091
John Davis Sigma Designs 46501 Landing Parkway AL: Sigma.engr Fremont, CA 94538
Richard DeMello Core Technology Corp 7335 Westshire Dr Lansing, MI 48917
Mark DeNyse Shiva 1 Cambridge Center Shiva.Eng Cambridge MA 02142
Chris Derossi Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani AL: CHRIS Cupertino, CA 95014-6201
Peter DiCamillo Brown University CIS P.O.Box 1885 AL: A0216, Internet peter@brownvm.brown.edu Providence, RI 02912-1885
Mark Dohrenwend Mom and Pop Engineering 2950 Chippewa Owensboro, KY 42301
Andrew Donoho Donoho Designs Group 9430 Research Blvd Echelon IV, Ste 400 DDG.SELF Austin, TX 78759
Roger Dornberger EPA Laboratory 2565 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105
David Drucker Drucker Associates 9 Lilac Court AL: DDrucker Cambridge, MA 02141-1900
Ron Duritsch Pharos Technologies 4243 Hunt Rd AL: Pharos.tech Cincinnati, OH 45242
Scott Dysinger Mycrotek Inc 9229 East 37th St N AL: V0231 Wichita, KS 67226
David Easter Virtus Corp 117 Edinburgh S, Ste 204 D4468 Cary, NC 27511
Thomas Eaton Coda Music Software 1401 East 79th St AL: coda.music Bloomington, MN 55425
Wade Eilrich Caere Corp. 100 Cooper Ct. Caere.Wade Los Gatos, CA 95030
Kathy Eriksen Apple Computer Inc Farmington Hills, MI
Donald Evich Computer Sciences Corp 2565 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105
David Ewing University of Colorado 4437 Clipper Ct D2408 Boulder, CO 80301
David Falkenburg University of Michigan 20525 Mariani Ave Cupertino, CA 95014
Steve Fauré Hotwire Labs Inc 8912 Jamesburg AL: D4527 Wichita, KS 67212
David Feldman Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani, MS 81EQ AL: Dave Cupertino, CA 95014-6201
David Feldman Timeworks, Inc 625 Academy Dr AL: D4083 (Timeworks) Northbrook, IL 60062
David Feldt Legacy Press 3105 Sunnywood AL: Invention Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Gerry Felipe AAA of Michigan 19420 Woodbine Detroit, MI 48219
William Fernandez Apple Computer, Inc 20525 Mariani Ave MS 81EQ AL Fernandez1 Cupertino, CA 95014
Stephen Fisher Craig Street Software 6238 Southwood Ave #3S St Louis, MO 63105
Brian Fitzgerald Hal Labs 18942 Dallas AL:Do366 Riverside, CA 92508
Richard D. Fleischman Apple Computer Inc 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd, M/S 75-2C AL: Fleischman Cupertino, CA 95014
Allan Foster Guru 12515 NE 279th St. AL: GURU, MacNet Foster, GEnie A.Foster, uucp afoster@cse.ogc.edu Battle Ground, WA 98604
Lynda Fowler Softdisk Publishig 606 Common Street Shreveport,LA 71101
James Gallagher First Logistics 43-08 53rd St AL: D0980 Woodside, NY 11377
John Gardner Science Applications 222 E Carrillo St, Ste 300 Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Jonathan Gary Dept of Medical InformaticsUniversity of Rochester 601 Elmwood Ave, Box BPHYS A0326 Rochester, NY 14642-8408
Sean Gately DuPage Schools Credit Union 401 S. Carlton Wheaton, IL 60187
Mark Gerl McDonnell Douglas Corp 8201 Greensboro Dr, Ste 500 AL: Mdesc-iss-asd (Attn: Mark) McLean, VA 22102
Dan Gilliam Hendrix College Washington and Independence Conway, AR 72032
Michael Gitre Computer Sciences Corp 2565 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105
James Goebel Genius Systems PO Box 3369 AL: D4269 Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Sean Golden Softdisk Publishing 606 Common Street Shreveport,LA 71101
Christopher Goodman University of Michigan 1972 Traver Rd. #114 Ann Arbor, MI 48105-1267
Richard P. Green General Motors 1264 Bedford Rd. expotech Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230-1116
Dana Gregory Silicon Beach Software 9770 Carroll Center Road "J" AL: D0227 San Diego, CA 92126
Alan Grover MedImage Inc 6276 Jackson Road, Ste G AL: MedImage Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Neil Hadwick Computer Science Corp 1211 City Dr Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Scott Hall Battelle Pacific P.O.Box 999 MSIN K1-88 Richland, WA 99352
Brian Hamlin 6300 Leona St AL: D0781 Oakland, CA 94605-1228
R. Byron Han Apple Computer, CommToolbox Emir 20525 Mariani Ave, M/S 81NC Han1 Cupertino, CA 95014
Christopher Haupt Rochester Institute of Technology 67 Cascade Rd cfhacc@ritvax.isc.rit.edu West Henrietta, NY 14586
Alan Hayes Optronics 7 Stuart Rd Chelmsford, MA 01824
Eric Hayes Intel Corp 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway AL: EricH Hillsboro, OR 97124
Harold Hedges 424 North University Little Rock, AR 72205
Kevin Hegg EDS 2001 Commonwealth Blvd, Ste 102 Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Peter Helme Apple Computer, Inc 20525 Mariani Ave, MS 81EQ AL: Eelpout Cupertino, CA 95014-6201
Steven Henck Ohio Valley Research Associated 901 Unibank Bldg, Fort & Market Streets AL: D3309 Steubenville, OH 43952
Dewayne Hendricks Tetherless Access Ltd. 43730 Vista Del Mar AL: D6547, CIS 75210,10 Fremont, CA 94539
Robert Herrell Berkeley Systems, Inc. 1700 Shattuck Ave AL: D0346 Berkeley, CA 94709
Victor Hnyp Apple Computer, Inc 48105 Warm Springs Blvd, M/S 24-01 AL: Hnyp1 Fremont, CA 94539
Alexander Ho EDS 1 Cambridge Center Suite 408 Cambridge, MA 02142
Peter Hoddie Apple Computer, Inc 10500 N DeAnza Blvd AL: Hoddie.jp Cupertino, CA 95014
Jack Hodgson Apple Computer, Inc 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd, MS 75-8X AL: JGH111 Cupertino, CA 95014
Thom Hogan Go Corp 950 Tower Lane, 14th Floor AL:Thom Foster City, CA 94404
Jeffrey Hokit Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Ave. MS 72-M AL: HOKIT Cupertino, CA 95014
Waldemar Horwat 9 Fort Washington Place Waldemar@hx.lcs.mit.edu Cambridge, MA 01239
Douglas Houseman 4233 Mario Ct. AL: X2355 Plymouth, MI 48170
Steven Howard MacWeek Magazine 301 Howard St AL: MacWeek San Francisco, CA 94105
Robin Huff Hal Labs 18942 Dallas AL:Do366 Riverside, CA 92508
Eric Iverson Wayne State University 5200 Anthony Wayne Dr, Apt 204 eiverson@cs.wayne.edu@INTERNET#, AL U1601 Detroit, MI 48202
Mark Jaffe Claris Corp 5201 Patrick Henry Dr. AL: Jaffe.M Santa Clara, CA 95052-8168
Steven Jasik Jasik Designs 343 Trenton Way AL: D1037 Menlo Park, CA 94025
Bill Johnson Exodus Software 8620 Winton Rd, Ste 304 D0814 Cincinnati, OH 45231
Steve Johnson Pixar, Inc. 1001 West Cutting Blvd. Richmond, CA 94804
Michael Kahl Symantec Corp 135 South Road CIS 75236,3146, AL: NEAL Bedford, MA 01730
Jon Kalb Hotwire Labs Inc 8912 Jamesburg AL: D4527 Wichita, KS 67212
John Kargul EPA Laboratory 2565 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Bob Kelly Dykema Gossett
Steve Kiene Mind Vision Software 1721 Benton St. Lincoln, NE 68521
Kevin Killion Stone House Systems 515 Cumnor AL: Stonehouse Kenilworth, IL 60043
Gregory King Sciex 55 Glen Cameron Rd, #202 Thornhill, ON L3T 1P2
Steven King Apple Computer Inc 30833 Northwestern Highway, #220 AL: King.Steve Farmington Hills, MI 48018
Steven Klingsporn Colorado State University 1032 Ashland Ave Klingspo@mozart.cs.colostate.edu Willmette, IL 60091
Timothy Knox Ameritech Applied Technologies 2809 Gabriel Ave Zion, IL 60099-2525
Dan Kohn Canon Information Systems 4009 Miranda Ave AL: D.Kohn Palo Alto, CA 94304
Brad Kollmyer Dept G-11, 1750 Augusta Ave bradk@wimsey.bc.ca Burnaby, BC V5A 2V6
Timothy Koss DEFT 557 Dixon Rd, Ste 111 AL: DEFT Rexdale, ON M9W 1H7
David Koziol UM Computing Center P.O.Box 7794 Dave@ccs.itd.umich.edu; ug0025 Ann Arbor, MI 48107-7794
Larry Kroes Hexff Consulting 22266 Civic Center Dr, Ste 102 Southfield, MI 48034
Jim Laskey TGS Systems Ste 19, 1127 Barrington St AL: GDA0242 Halifax, NS B3H 2P8
Gabriel Lawrence Shiva Corp 1 Cambridge Center Shiva.Eng(Alink)/gabe@shiva.com(intenet) Cambridge MA 02142
Mark Lawrence MasterCard, Inc. 12115 Lackland Rd. AL: Master.Dev St. Louis, MO 63146
Michael Leahy Navistar Int'l P. O. Box 28183 AL:Bookup Columbus, OH 43228
Richard Lesh Calico Publishing 12751 Woodford Way Bridgeton, MO 63044
Barbara Limber
Michael Linden Harris Corp 565 Crystalmist Rd NW Palm Bay, FL 32907
Tom Lippencott Software Ventures 2907 Claremont Ave, Suite 220 D0025 (Software ventures) Berkeley, CA 94705
Larry Lipsmeyer 6900 Cantrell Rd, Apt N42 Little Rock, AR 72207
Mitchell Loebel Parallel Processing Connection 1066 Sunnyvale Saratoga Rd, Ste 18 Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Kirk Loevner Apple Computer
Duane Loewen Mycrotek Inc 9229 East 37th St N AL: V0231 Wichita, KS 67226
Shane Looker GlamourWare Software 14 Ludwell Lane AL: Pharos.tech Fairfield, OH 45014
Don Louv Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014
Darryl Lovato Aladdin System Deer Park Center Ste 23A-171 Alladin Aptos, CA 95003
Thomas Ludwig Hope College Peale Science Center, Psychology Department LUDWIG@hope.bitnet Holland, MI 49423-3698
Carol Lynn Expotech, Inc 1264 Bedford Rd. AL: Expotech Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230
Kevin MacDonell Apple Computer, Inc 20525 Mariani Ave MS 81EQ AL: MacDonell.K Cupertino, CA 95014
Philippe Magnaldi Protections Logicielles 108, avenue des Arenes protect.log Nice 06000
Rodney Magnuson Leonard Development Group, Inc 9143 Phillips Hwy, #390 Jacksonville, FL 32256
Melvyn Magree (M)agreeable Software, Inc 5295 Magnolia Ln AL Magreeable Plymouth, MN 55442
Jeff Mandel Tulane Univ School of Med, Dept of Anaesthesiology 1415 Tulane Ave Internet ASOIMEFevm.tcs.tulane.edu New Orleans, LA 70112
Steven Markel Brite Voice Systems, Inc 7309 East 21st North Wichita, KS 67206
Greg Marriott Apple Computer, Inc. 3770 Flora Vista, Apt #1805 AL: GREG Santa Clara, CA 95051
Chris Matichuk CEL Software, Inc P.O.Box 8339, Stn F AL: cda0575 Edmonton, AB T6H 4W6
Jordan Mattson Apple Computer 20525 Mariani Ave. M/S 27S AL: Mattson1 Cupertino, CA 95014-6201
Michael McClennen 1019 Fountain Street michaelm@eecs.umich.edu Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Steven McDonnell Epsilon 50 Cambridge St Burlington, MA 01803
Richard McElhinney Vector Systems/ MicroConcepts 3700 Vanguard Dr, Ste A AL: D1195 Fort Wayne, IN 46809
David McGee Battelle Northwest Battelle Blvd, MS K232 dr_mcgee@pnl.gov Richland, WA 99352
Brian McGhie Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Ave. AL: Brian Cupertino, CA 95014
Douglas McKenna Mathemaesthetics, Inc P.O.Box 67-156 AL: Resorcerer Chestnut Hill, MA 02167
David McKinnis Microsoft Corp One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399
Rick McLeod Seishin Creations PO Box 758 AL: Highlander Cross City, FL 32628
Roberta Meganck Expotech, Inc
Brita Meng Shiva Corp 1 Cambridge Ctr AL: Brita Cambridge, MA 02142
James Merkle Apollyonics Software Development, Inc 3048 Kenmore AL: Appolyonics Berkley, MI 48072
Gregory Merriman BYTE Magazine 912 N Main AL: D2626 Ann Arbor, MI 48104
James Meyer Catalog Media Corporation 6000 Poplar, Ste 300 AL: Catalog Memphis, TN 38119
Jeff Miller Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Ave. AL: Miller5 Cupertino, CA 95014
John Miller Logical LiveWare, Inc 907 East Laurel Ft Collins, CO 80524
Jonathan Mills Indiana University Computer Science Dept. 101 Lindley Hall jwmills@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu Bloomington, IN 47405-4101
Ignatio Monahelis ComShare, Inc 3001 S. State St, P.O.Box 1588 Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Fred Monroe Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani Ave MS 81-EQ rico@caen.engine.umich.edu Cupertino, CA 95014
Brian Moore U of M / CAEN
Aimée Moran Expotech, Inc 1264 Bedford Road AL: Expotech Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230
Aimée Moran Expotech, Inc 1264 Bedford Road AL: Expotech Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230
Mark Murphy Wayne State University 5950 Cass AL: U1601, mark@opus.pass.wayne.edu Detroit, MI 48202
Timothy Myers Novell, Inc. 122 East 1700 South, MS-C-25-1 timm@sed.novell.com Provo, UT 84606
Thomas Nalevanko Mainstay 5311-B Derry Ave AL: D0397 Agoura Hills, CA 91301
Todd Nathan Logical LiveWare, Inc 907 East Laurel tn505981@longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu Fort Collins, CO 80524
David Neal Symantec Corp /sr. software eng. 135 South Rd. DO152 Bedford, MA 01730
Lisa Neal EDS Center for Machine Intelligence 1 Cambridge Center Ste 408 Lisa@cmi.com Cambridge, MA 02142
Mike Neil U of M / CAEN
Keith Nemitz Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani Ave MS 37DS AL: KGNemitz Cupertino, CA 95014-6201
D. Jay Newman Pennsylvania State University CBEL, 227 J Computer Bldg dn5@PSUVM.psu.edu University Park, PA 16802
David Allan Newman Software Ventures 2907 Claremont Ave, Suite 220 AL: Microphone Berkeley, CA 94705
Wilkin Ng GDT Softworks Inc #188 - 4664 Lougheed Highway AL: GDT.mkt Burnaby, BC V5C 6B7
John Norstad Northwestern University 2129 Sheridan Road A0173 Evanston, IL 60208
Shanon O'Connor Mom and Pop Engineering 2950 Chippewa Owensboro, KY 42301
Kevin O'Malley Eastern Michigan University 40781 Ivywood Plymouth, MI 48170
Bruce Oberg Microsoft Corp One Microsoft Way BruceO%Microsoft@uunet Redmond, WA 98052-6399
David Owens Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Ave, MS 81BB AL: D.Owens Cupertino, CA 95014
Sean Parent Apple Computer, Inc 20525 Mariani Ave MS81EQ AL: Parent Cupertino, CA 95014-6201
Margie Pelham-Foster Central Point Software 15220 NW Greenbriar Parkway, Ste 200 AL: GURU Beaverton, OR 97006
John Pence CE Software Industrial Court Des Moines, IA 50265
Kurt Pines Smiths Industries 4141 Eastern Ave SE CIS: 76264,1274 Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727
Alex Popadich Erim Co 15003 Malcolm Southgate, MI 48195
Rebecca Price P.O.Box 646 Whitmore Lake, MI 48189
Christopher Prost Control Data Corp 21700 Northwestern Highway, Tower 14, Suite 1300 Southfield, MI 48075
Craig Prouse Apple Computer, Inc 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino, CA 95014
Timothy Rand Yale School of Medicine, Ward Lab SHM I-357 - Human Genetics 333 Cedar St New Haven, CT 06510
Edward Ream Sherlock Software 1617 Monroe St Madison, WI 53711
Jim Reekes Apple Computer, Inc. 7375 Rollingdell #33 AL: REEKES Cupertino, CA 95014
Alex Rosenberg Apple 20525 Mariani Ave MS 35R AlexR@Apple.com Cupertino, CA 95014
Leonard Rosenthol LazerWare 72 Gravatt Dr GEnie: Magician, AL: D0025 (software ventures) Berkeley, CA 94705
Alan Roter Genesystems Computer Software 871 Partridge Ave AL: GENE.SYSTEMS Menlo Park, CA 94025
Dan Rudman U of M / CAEN
James Russell Practice Management Systems 8641 A Zetts Ave AL: D1867 Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Mark Rustad Apple Computer Inc 6505 Polar Circle Rustad1 Edina, MN 55436
Mary Lynn Samford Consultant 1413 Morton GE M.Samford Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Nate Sammons Logical LiveWare, Inc 907 East Laurel nsammons@lobo.rmhs.colorado.edu Ft Collins, CO 80524
Gregory Sanborn 225 Clifton St Oakland, CA 94618
Ray Sanders Green Grass Software, Inc P.O.Box 570 AL: D5462 Dunedin, FL 34697-0570
Elliott Schlessel Software Construction Co P.O.Box 1081 AppleLink: ELL Branford, CT 06405
Scott Schmitz Pharos Technologies 4243 Hunt Road, Ste 210 AL: Pharos.tech Cincinnati, OH 45242
Gordon Sefchik EDS 6920 Hatchery Rd. Waterford, MI 48327
Timothy Senecal Premier DataVision 1658 Cole Blvd, Ste 140 AL: Premier Golden, CO 80401
Brad Serbus 1356 Wilmot Ct brad_serbus@um.cc.umich.edu Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Azfar Shamsi Indiana University East, Computing Services 2325 Chester Boulevard ASHAMSI;@IUIS.BITNET APPLELINKUO445 Richmond, IN 47374
Eric Shapiro Rock Ridge Enterprises 620 Hidden Valley Dr. #102 AL: D1313 Ann Arbor, MI 48104
David Shayer Sentient Software 160 Arundel Rd AL: Shayer San Carlos, CA 94070
Stan Shebs Apple Computer, Inc. M/S 76-2I 20525 Mariani Ave. shebs@apple.com Cupertino, CA 95014
Gordon Sheridan Apple Computer, Inc 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd AL: Gordon Cupertino, CA 95014
Kathleen Sheridan DuPage Schools Credit Union 401 S. Carlton Wheaton, IL 60187
Robert Singh Apple Computer, Inc 20525 Mariani Ave, MS 81-MQ AL: Singhb Cupertino, CA 95014
Eric Slosser SciComp Software 2912 Claremont Ave #21 slosser@mindseye.berkeley.edu Berkeley, CA 94705-4034
David Smith Virtus Corp 117 Edinburgh S, Ste 204 AL: Virtus Cary, NC 27511
Paula Smith Expotech, Inc. 507 Locust Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Robertson Reed Smith Claris Corp 5201 Patrick Henry Drive Santa Clara, CA 9502-7415
Dave Snearline U of M / CAEN
Robert Spence Ingres Corporation 1080 Marina Village Parkway, Box 4026 AL: D5699 Alameda, CA 94501-1095
Frank Stanbach Apple Computer 20525 Mariani Ave M/S 81BB Stanbach Cuperino CA 95014-6202
Keith Stattenfield Apple Computer, Inc 202 Calvert Dr #125 AL: Stattenfield Cupertino, CA 95014
Jim Stegman Exodus Software 8620 Winton Rd, Ste 304 D0814 Cincinnati, OH 45231
John Sullivan Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Ave. AL: J.Sullivan Cupertino, CA 95014
Michael Summers US Sprint 1310 East 104th St, Ste 100 AL: AMO369 Kansas City, MO 64131
David Surovell Succinct Systems 433 Huronview AL: Frostbyte Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Alan Dean Talbot Graphire Corp P.O.Box 838 AL: Graphire Wilder, VT 05088-0838
Forrest Tanaka Apple Computer, Inc 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd, MS 75-3T AL: Tanaka Cupertino, CA 95014
Mark Taylor Cybernet Systems 1919 Green Road, Ste B101 Mark_j_taylor@um.cc.umich.edu Ann Arbor, MI 48105
David Temkin EDS Center for Machine Intelligence 1 Cambridge Center Suite 408 Dave+@Cmi.com Cambridge, MA 02142
Ben Templin Ziff-Davis Corp 950 Tower Lane, 18th Floor Foster City, CA 94404
Eric Teoingator Tellingware Inc. 8926 Belleforte D2094 Morton Grove, IL 60053
Richard Thomas Computer Sciences Corp 2565 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105
David Thompson DEFT 557 Dixon Rd, Ste 111 AL: DEFT Rexdale, ON M9W 1H7
Michael Throckmorton 2120 Ardenne Dr CIS 72220,1611 Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Richard Trismen Letraset Graphic Design 24 Upland Ave trismen.d Metuchen, NJ 08840
Mark Uland Virtus Corp 117 Edinburgh S, Ste 204 D4468 Cary, NC 27511
Nick Vaccaro Apple Computer, Inc 20525 Mariani Ave, MS:35-BD AL:Vaccaro Cupertino, CA 95014-6201
Alan VanBiervliet University of Arkansas at Little Rock 2801 S. University Little Rock, AR 72204
Craig W. Vaughan Language Systems Corp 441 Carlisle Dr AL: D1810 Herndon, VA 22070
Robert Vish Apple Computer Inc Farmington Hills, MI
Robert Vish Apple Computer Inc 30833 Northwestern Highway, Ste 220 Farmington Hills, MI 48018
Benjamin Waldman Microsoft Corp 1 Microsoft Way AL: D5232 Redmond, WA 98052
Jay Weiss Beta Site 132 Pembroke Ct. D0467 Meriden, CT 06450
Steven Weyl Objective Software, Inc 248 Homer Ave Palo Alto, CA 94301
Cyril White Cybernet Systems 1919 Green Road, Ste B101 cyril_white@um.cc.umich.edu Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Jon Wind 2374 Hillwood Drive CIS 70167,3444, GEnie JPWIND Maplewood, MN 55119
David Winzler Microseeds 150 Dorset St AL: Microseeds South Burlington, VT 05407-2010
Mark Wittenberg Novell, Inc. 1340 Treat Boulevard, Suite 500 markw@wc.novell.com Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Eric Wolf U of M / CAEN
James Wolff Apollyonics Software Development, Inc 3048 Kenmore AL: Apollyonics Berkley, MI 48072
Bill Worzel Arroyo Software P.O. Box 132 AL: Arroyo Milan, MI 48160
Steven Yockey ComShare, Inc. 3001 S. State St Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Dean Yu Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Ave, MS: 81-EQ AL: Nerm Cupertino, CA 95014-6201
Robert Zakon Zakon Consulting/ Case Western Univ 11457 Mayfield, #959 rhz@po.cwru.edu Cleveland, OH 44106
Ellen Zalman Sentient Software 160 Arundel Rd AL: Shayer San Carlos, CA 94070